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A Message from the Aeldorman

Writer's picture: WebmasterWebmaster

Announcement! Here is an update on what we are going to do as far as our next two business meetings: The Summer Althyng (which has been rescheduled for a second time) will be: Sunday, August 30th @ 11am.

It will be done virtually via ZOOM which is free to use. Lothar will manage the process. It will be open only to current paid members, which Lothar will verify as he allows folks access to enter the room (this is to properly manage any votes). We will keep everyone not on the Witan on mute and keep it as short as possible to minimize strain on everyone. We will use the "Chat section" for folks who may have questions. We will announce a brief itinerary a week before but paramount is having our elections for officers. I (Todd) will be running for Aeldorman again. Lothar is running for Baliff again. JB (who i spoke to via phone) has confirmed he is running for Shire Reeve again. Garet is going to step down as Bocman. Kay Apgar has verbally stated to me that he will run for Bocman. If anyone else is running please reach out or post here. We will have a small Plague going out shortly from our Editor Jhon and we will also ask our Web Mistress Kelly MacKinnon to ensure the online payment system is in Tip-Top shape. As far as Fall Council Meeting goes, we will TRY to have it Saturday, September 12th @ 3pm at the Nottingham Site. If for some reason it doesn't work out, or we do not have a quorum of groups represented, it will give us time to work something else out. Thank you all and be safe. - Aeldorman Kenneth


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